Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

As October approaches each year, Just Glam is in full swing of everything PINK. Why does this color hold such significance for us? Well, of course we adore the shade itself, our ever so popular princess brush kit says it all, but most importantly, we participate in various opportunities to raise Cancer Awareness. From doing makeup at fundraisers for research efforts, to donating a portion of our sales to research; Cancer Awareness is not only important because like myself, we’ve lost family members due to this deadly disease, but because we are striving to find a cure for cancer.
This October was a bit different for me. Not only was I geared up and ready for THINK PINK, I had it all figured out on how we would assist in raising Cancer Awareness. That all changed when I learned that my dear fiend Rolanda Taylor, at the current age of 35 had been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer after having already undergone a mastectomy. We, like others, have dedicated the entire month to Rolanda. We have featured her on various social networking sites, gathered funds from just glam web sales to donate to a charity for research and the best part of all…THIS EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW!!! READY? SET!
What has been the most challenging part of battling cancer?
That’s a loaded question for me. I guess because I went through so many different emotions before I was at peace with what my Doctors were telling me. I Felt... just... totally uncertain about everything and every aspect of my life. What did this REALLY mean? Am I about to die? What about my Son? WHY ME GOD!!?? It was so much to try and comprehend, and because of that ugly word that entailed so much, Cancer. It has definitely added a lot of stress and difficulty in my life. There were times during my chemotherapy treatments that I was ready to give up. I just knew that this pain was so unbearable and unbeatable that it had to be the closest thing to death that there could be in life. Going through throwing up about five times a day to not being able to control my bodily functions. I cried everyday. I could hear my mom go away and cry alone, and I could see the hurt in my little boy's eyes. He didn’t really understand what his mom was going through but would always pray that God would give my pain to him so I wouldn’t have to go through that pain and misery. That has been one of the hardest parts for me.
I’ve known you to be a strong woman of faith since I met you in 1992. How has this battle affected your faith if at all?
I have to be honest with you Nik; I have had two diagnosis of Cancer. Let me explain. My first encounter with Cancer was when the Doctor called me with the news in early May of 2009. I remember crying on my Mom's shoulder and thinking "God why are you doing this to me?" I cried out to him and didn’t ultimately think of it as a death sentence, like I had in the past. I saw my Grandmamma go through it like a soldier. I also saw my Aunt do the same. My grandmamma died as a result, but my aunt is still here. I kept telling God I needed direction, because nobody had the answer for me. I’d constantly ask him to please give me the answer to what I needed to do. After talking with my Pastor and some of the seasoned Christians in my life, I found my way to this morning prayer line of saints, and I started reading my Word, and God Lead me to scriptures on strength and Faith. I felt stronger about my situation each day. I still had my days full of tears, but in my mind ultimately I couldn’t give up. This Cancer actually made my faith stronger because I clinged to him like never before. So though my lil body was weak many times, my spirit was strong and joyous. I knew my God had this thing under control. My second diagnosis came about a month ago, around the 1st of September. I was told the Cancer was gone. I had to under go chemo, radiation, and I had to have my breast removed. It took all that to get it gone so of course, it was no problem. So when the Oncologist told me that they were sorry to inform me that the cancer had only never been totally gone, but it had spread, I was dumbfounded. They said they thought they'd got it but it spread. They found a tumor in my lungs, cancer spots all over my lungs and they even saw a spot of cancer on my liver, I had a rare form, the most aggressive form of Cancer and it was known as 'Triple Negative Metastatic Breast Cancer'. It mostly affects Black women and had a low survival rate. I was mad, angry, and upset. I dare not say to you that I was mad at God because I'm not sure that it was anger towards him, but I was numb to my faith. I couldn’t pick up my Bible and had no desire to read it. I could only pray with my Son. I didn’t seem to know how or what to pray for. I was numb. But God always has a way or a Ram in the bush doesn’t He? One night I was talking with Rob, My 10 year old son about what was happening, and he, like clockwork said “Okay Mama we need to pray, lets turn the TV off”. He prayed the most sincere and authentic prayer to God about his Mommy is a survivor and how he knows that I can survive it again. He practically begged God to heal me totally and it was during his prayer that I was convicted!!! I put him to bed, picked up my Bible, cried, talked to God, told him how I felt, shouted, praised… did all that it took to shake my faith back into the right kind of shape. It was very challenging.
If you could change one thing about this experience, what would that one thing be?
I guess I would, wow, Make life easier for my Son... yeah.
What advice would you give to someone battling cancer?
I remember there was a point where you were losing your hair, and you always wore a nice wig or a beautiful scarf. Was hair loss a big deal to you? Do you feel like your self-esteem was affected any by the hair loss?
What can we do as women to better educate ourselves on this issue?
My wish is that women would get on the Internet, and see what is going on with this disease called cancer. It becomes more and more deadly to us when we turn our heads and say "not me". Every 68 seconds someone else gets it. The more you know about cancer and know the signs to look for and about new discoveries being made, the better chance you have of not getting it or of early detection for you or a loved one. I say, what if it was your mom, your aunt, your niece or daughter? I would bet money that you’d do what you could to fight then. So my question is, why wait? Be smart about this!!! There are numbers you can call, groups you can join, Internet, television, news and radio. There really is no excuse as to why we cant make the time or just don’t care about something so crucial to all of us at any age, in this day and time.
You are a beautiful young lady, and you exemplify what Just Glam aspires to teach women of all ages; beauty from the inside out. Can you tell me, what attribute do you think is most beautiful about yourself and what inner characteristic is uniquely beautiful about you?
My smile, that’s what most people tell me, that smile captures them. I love talking to people. Elderly, and kids mostly, but I just love people. I always try and give an encouraging word or have something positive to say because it’s the way that I view life.
I have the ability to reach people on whatever level they are on. Whether they are old, misunderstood, mentally challenged, etc. I just love people and I’m genuine in my efforts to learn and listen as much as I can.
What ONE thing gives you strength?
I have more than just ONE. Laughing. First God gives me strength. Then come my mom and my son. My mother is the rock of my life and my son is the reason I exist, especially through this battle. They both go hand in hand. My mother is my example. She’s a fighter. She keeps on even if she doesn’t feel like it. My son is my reason to keep going. He prays with me for everything. He makes me lay down. If he sees me with soda, he takes it and gives me water. This situation is definitely maturing him into a strong young man. He takes care of me.
There was a point where I thought this has to be worse than death because I can’t care for myself. My mother and son hold me up when I feel like I can’t make it. They are right there taking care of me. God blessed me with two angels who happen to live right here in the house with me.
Is there anything in particular that you want people to know about surviving cancer?
To take one day at a time. Take time to breathe. Remember you are living and not dying. You can’t spend time focusing on dying because that’s what stops you from living. Don’t give power to cancer and trust God. Only he has your destiny mapped out and knows the final plan. Doctors have to answer to the same person that each and every one of us have to.
When doctors tell people they only have a certain amount of time to live, at that moment you begin to die, and I think it’s so wrong. Focus on living so you can LIVE. Don’t worry about tomorrow because God is already there. Dot stop counting your blessings. Each day and each breathe, I’m thanking God.
Rolanda will be featured on air live broadcast on Issues After Dark on October 27, 2010 at 9:30PM to 11:30PM. There will also be a special event where Rolanda is being honored on Sunday, October 31, 2010 at 4PM at the Victory Baptist Church in Oakland Ca.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Recently, Michelle Hargrove, Founder of Restoration Weekend teamed up with JustGlam Founder and CEO, Nicole Caldwell, to create a richly elegant high tea themed, "Restoring the Glam."
Restoring the Glam launched its first high tea on June 26th in Greensboro, North Carolina at the GrandOver Resort and Mansion. Coming soon To Walnut Grove, CA, Washington, D.C., and Atlanta.

RESTORATION WEEKEND is designed for Christian women with the need to absorb clarity, echo positivity and oblige self-gratification.
VC Legacy is inviting lovely ladies to rekindle the love for yourself during a luxurious all-inclusive excursion, hosted at the lavish Grand Velas All Suites Resort and Spa in Riviera Maya, Mexico. You, along with 50 women from all walks of life, will convene to share, build and relax as you set aside time to restore your inner space.
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Creating a juicy, delicious pout is as easy as 1, 2, 3! With the two hottest shades of JustGlam lipstick (Malt and Martini) and the newest sensation (JustGlam Clear Gloss), you can create lips that absolutely beg to be kissed!
Apply a liner of your choice or leave them bare, apply a lipstick shade (or two) and finish with our Clear Gloss. Every syllable you utter will be admired letter-by-letter from these lips. What better way to make your man listen to what you have to say, right?!
Go to www.justglam.com and pick up these essentials for your perfect pout! It's as easy as 1, 2, GLAMOROUS!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Tropical Shades are Just...Glam!

Check out these luscious shades available at JustGlam.com! Ultra Blue, GoGo Green, Fuschia, Emerald Green and Tango Tangerine. These shades will bring back memories of the tropics, or of sailing the seas as you stare at the amazing blues and greens of the ocean. Why not infuse a little bit of paradise in your look for day and evening this Spring? Make your own memories as you become "THAT GIRL"...you know, the one who all the ladies envy and the men can't stop staring at. Visit JustGlam.com for some new, exciting shades from the tropics! Remember: It's not just a look, it's an attitude. *wink*
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Spring is suh-MOKIN'!

The eyes have it this Spring. The smokey eye is bucking the trend and making appearances in Spring 2010 collections from New York to Milan.
There are a million ways to smoke an eye without looking as if you're trolling the night. Add a blast of color into the routine by applying a contrasting color just above your blink. This will set off the depth of the darker shadow while giving the traditional smoke treatment a whimsical pop, taking your fabulous to haute couture in a snap!
Check out this treatment on supermodel Dji Dieng. Who could resist giving her a second and third look as she peels off her designer shades to reveal these eyes? Pair your new eyes with a slightly neutral shade of lipstick and let them have center stage during the day. For the evening, use a deeper shade from the JustGlam palette and pop that pout just so for a complete glam over. Eye Eye Eye!
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Recently, we took to the web and asked, "What does 'GLAM' mean to you?" Since glamour is a universal language with everyone having their own unique definition, we were thrilled to hear people of all backgrounds chime in on this hotly contested topic. Here are several inspired responses to our question:
What does glam mean to me? Glam means grace, elegance, and style without trying. It comes naturally. ;-) -Tawnya Shaw
Showing the world a gorgeous new you with style and a edge of spunk. -Rosalyn Burrise
GLAM....is a word that is a reputation of your own inner self. It shows your own personally style and it is almost like a self expression, but it's done in a mature, positive, and like a very "diva" kind of way. So that basically sums it up -- to be a confident, stylish, positive, graceful, go-getter type of woman....well @ least to me, fashionable and GLAM..morous! -Hakika Schuler
Well, to me it's more of an attitude. An air of confidence in not only your appearance, but also in interactions with others. It's being different and proud to be different, wearing a look, be it clothes, shoes, accessories or makeup, that only you could get away with wearing.
It's the way you walk, talk, smile, be silent, but everything with the knowledge that you look good because you feel good about yourself. You're you, and you don't need to compare yourself to others, nor do you feel inferior to them.
That's pretty much it for me. -Cecile Thalley
G.L.A.M. = Giving (Your) Life Absolute Meaning
...And living a Glamorous Life is not JUST about rocking the latest, hottest fashions, but also incorporating that high standard throughout every important aspect of your Glamorous Life; your relationship with God, strong family ties, career, friendships, love, and playing a positive role in your community! -Patricia Alegria
Glam, to me, means being FABULOUS in who you are and letting the best of you SHINE, inside and out!! -Na’Omi Bull
GLAM means loving yourself enough to spend the time and money to be and look your very best!!! -Dawn Chase
Glam, to me, would mean being beautiful on the inside and out. Being who you are and how God made you. Also having a sense of style of your own. That's glam to me. -Neka Adams
Today, GLAM means to me the opportunity to reflect upon myself and recognize the positive characteristics, physical attributes and strengths about myself ! In turn, I am fully capable of recognising such qualities of others and promote and encourage the development of a more positive perspective on life simply by starting with self! Basically to change the world one person at a time you must start with self and if we treat and speak positive it will sow onto a multitude!! -Lady Tristane
GLAM, to me, is the sistrepreneur venture of a black woman who travels along the pathway of women like Madame C.J. Walker, and the cosmetic makers of ancient Kemet. From the beginning of the thought, GLAM has been and has come to be cosmetics which adds to the beauty of its wearer. Complimenting many shades, GLAM enhances the final result of any beautiful face.
That's all for now...
When I look into the mirror, I see the love. Then I feel the love. -Modibo Kambon
Glam to me is taking the time each day to make sure I look presentable. Not like loads of make up. But just a lil' lip gloss making sure I greet the day looking ready for the world. Embracing my inner beauty as well as my outer shell. Loving me!! I am glamorous in self love and by me displaying that for myself it transfers into my love for others. To me that is glam. When you walk into a room and everyone knows you don't just look like you have it together your energy exudes completeness. -Mikki Lethridge
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Evarize Fashion
"Spring is in the air"
2700 San Pablo
Berkeley, California
11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
The EVarize Fashion Café®, features a design menu where clients can indulge themselves by selecting the fabric, style, and color of their garment. Clients are then personally fitted by the designer to ensure a custom fit.
ALSO: See Nik @ The Yada Yada Sisterhood Event on March 13th
Location/Time: TBA
March 20th
LUXE Boutique
Spring into Style with a New wardrobe &
Los Angeles, California
Join Just Glam at LUXE Boutique for Martini’s & Makeup!
6:30 PM to 10:00 PM
11724 W. Pico Blvd.
Los Angeles CA 90064
Girl Talk Conference
April 9th-11th
Los Angeles, California
What is GirlTalk?
GirlTalk is a program created by Dr. Lakita Long, and started off about 8 years ago, after having a bed side chat with her then 15 year old neice, about some decisions that she stated that she wanted to to do which was totally contrary to what she originally wanted for her life. At that time, GirlTalk was birthed, and she has been talking with young girls every since.
Oakland UnWrapped Indie Awards
May 14th
Time: TBA